Friday, January 6, 2023

Domain Hosting Service Company Lahore Free Domain in Pakistan

 Domain Hosting Service Company Lahore Free Domain in Pakistan

Domain Hosting Service Company Lahore Free Domain in Pakistan
domain hosting 

One of our clients once asked me if they can do away with their hosting, and still, have their site accessible online! Including their emails. I realized the subject of domain & hosting is not as clear as we sometimes think it to be. A detailed post explaining what a Domain Name & hosting is, and the delicate relationship between the two was needed. The effects of breaking that delicate relationship, the services it would affect, and how it could impact your website & business. We will also delve into the different type of hosting you can buy; The right type of hosting to consider for your business; What a domain name is; And the difference between hosting & a domain name. In this article, we will cut out the technical jargon to the minimum possible. So that it is easier to understand from a business owner’s perspective, how domain and hosting works? I have created a list of some of the most frequently asked questions from our clients on this topic. I am listing them below. Let’s go through them and see if you have similar questions too.

  • What is the difference between domain name and web hosting?
  • How do you host a website?
  • What is the meaning of domain hosting?
  • How do you host a domain name?
  • What is a host for a website?
  • What is web hosting and how does it work?
  • What is web hosting and why do I need it?
  • If I buy a domain name do I need hosting?
  • Difference between domain name and website name?
  • What is a hosting server?
  • What is domain name and hosting?
  • How do you buy a domain?
  • What is a web hosting company?
  • What is domain registration and web hosting?

Too many questions, right? Yeah, and we will tackle them head-on. And make sure that each one of them is answered.

What Is Domain Name And Hosting?
Domain Hosting Service Company Lahore Free Domain in Pakistan
domain hosting 

We will start with the most basic question first. We will look at what a domain name is. Think of your domain name as your online address. You want it to be something that others can easily relate to your business. Take our domain name for instance. Since our business name is Ray Creations, it makes sense to book a domain name that is as similar as possible to the business name. Not only people remember and recall the domain name easily that way, it also helps in your brand building exercise.Domain Hosting Service Company Lahore Free Domain in Pakistan .
Also, when people are not familiar with your domain name, they will intuitively search for something similar to your brand name online, to get to your website. And if your domain name is totally different than your brand name, they won’t have much luck finding it, would they? Therefore, it makes sense to have the domain name as similar to your brand as possible.

How Do You Buy A Domain?
Domain Hosting Service Company Lahore Free Domain in Pakistan
domain hosting 

You buy a domain name from any web hosting company.

So, what is a web hosting company? And what do they do? Web Domain Hosting Service Company Lahore Free Domain in Pakistan hosting companies help provide you with a domain name. That is, they help you check whether a domain name is available or not.  Once you choose your domain name, and it is available, they can help you book it in your name. So that you are the legal owner of the domain henceforth, up to the number of years you have booked it for. A Domain Hosting Service Company Lahore Free Domain in Pakistan hosting company will also help host your website for you and provide you with email ids. More on that later in the article.

So, how do you know whether your preferred domain name is available or not? Well, you search for the name in the domain registry. You do that by heading over to any web hosting company’s website. They will most certainly have a search functionality on the site, that fetches domain availability in real-time. For example, you can head over to our hosting website  lhuda domain hosting company  And search for your preferred domain name. If you like it, you can also go ahead and book it for you.
The domain search box looks like the screenshot below.

So, What Is A Hosting Server?
Domain Hosting Service Company Lahore Free Domain in Pakistan
domain hosting company

If your domain name is the address, then the Web Server is the physical location of that address. Think of it in terms of a house where we live. The domain name is the actual address of the house. And the web server is the house itself. And if we take the analogy further, then the occupants or the contents of the house can be compared to the actual files that reside on the web server. But instead of a real house, it is virtual. So, a Domain Hosting Service Company Lahore Free Domain in Pakistan hosting server, is a real machine. A computer, connected to the internet at all times. It is very similar to the computer you work at home with. But it runs special domain Domain Hosting Service Company Lahore Free Domain in Pakistan hosting company  software that helps divide it into many small compartments, or houses, or addresses, that can be used to host many websites, independent of each other. Such computers or hosting servers are usually placed in large datacenters, which have provision for power backup and security. All this is done to ensure that the servers are connected to the internet at all times.

Types of Hosting You Can Buy
Domain Hosting Service Company Lahore Free Domain in Pakistan
domain hosting company 

Businesses and individuals have different needs. And hosting companies cater to all segments. It is more like you pay for the resources you use. So, if your needs are small, and if you consume less resource, you will pay less. And if you are a big corporation and need a lot more resources, you pay more. As simple as that. The resources here mean, Storage space, RAM, CPU, Bandwidth etc.

If I Buy A Domain Name Do I Need Hosting?
Domain Hosting Service Company Lahore Free Domain in Pakistan
domain hosting company 

The answer is yes. If you want to host a website, you will need web hosting. Domain & Hosting work together hand in hand. One without the other is not of much worth. First, you buy the domain name. It is like reserving your identity on the net. Then you can buy an appropriate hosting, from any of the types of hosting we discussed above. Then using the Web Hosting Control panel, you can link the domain name to your Domain Hosting Service Company Lahore Free Domain in Pakistan hosting account. Or the hosting company can do this for you. Once this is done, whenever someone types in your domain name in a browser, it will take them to the files stored on your hosting server. Typically, on your hosting server, you will be storing your website files. So, when someone accesses your domain name, it will open your website. Therefore, you will need both a domain & hosting to host your website & emails.

Which Is More Important – Domain or Hosting?

People spend a lot of time, energy & money in developing one’s website. Therefore, at a first glance, the website seems to be more important. For a domain name, once you have decided upon a name which is available, it is the end of it. You don’t have to spend time with it or give it much of a thought. But websites, on the other hand, require planning, effort, and a lot more money than a domain name. Even when the site is done, it needs constant tweaking, updating, content creation, fine-tuning to speed it up.

You spend so much time on it that it seems to be the most important entity among the two. And since your website is directly hosted on your Domain Hosting Service Company Lahore Free Domain in Pakistan Hosting server, the Hosting seems to be the more important of the two. But did you know that your website is worth nothing if you lose your domain name? A website, on the other hand, can be redesigned. Or if the Domain Hosting Service Company Lahore Free Domain in Pakistan hosting fails, the website can be recovered from a backup and hosted again. Suppose you spend 10 years marketing your website, building your brand. And you successfully build a big business around your website. What will happen if you lose your website? It will be a temporary setback before you build it or host it back again using you’re backed up files. But what will happen if you lose your domain name? Your 10 years of marketing efforts will all go down the drain. Yes, that’s how important a domain name is. Because all the marketing efforts you put in, you are basically building the worth of your domain name.  It is so important to protect your domain name. So, what are the measures you can take to protect your domain name?


Domain hosting Company Lahore Best Providers in PK

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